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Dwr Uisce Conference 2017 (Sustainability in Energy & Water Resources: Research & Practice)

  • Bangor University Reichel Hall, Ffriddoedd Site, Bangor LL57 2TW Bangor Gwynedd (map)

The first annual Dwr Uisce 2017 Conference focused on research and practitioner perspectives in relation to the sustainability of energy & water resources in Ireland and Wales. It was an opportunity for stakeholders in the water and energy sectors to come together and discuss the distinct and common challenges faced in the region. The day consisted of three distinct sessions: 'Practice & Governance', 'Sustainability in Action' and 'Dwr Uisce Perspectives'.

Our conference was opened by Dafydd Elis-Thomas AM, National Assembly for Wales, who is actively involved in the Sustainable Energy action group in the Assembly. As such, his opening address outlined the direction in which Wales has come from and is going in relation to energy and sustainability.

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Conference speakers presented a range of organizational perspectives on the role of different types of networks in achieving sustainability goals (Consumer Council for Water, Watef Network, National Federation for Group Water Schemes and Community Energy Wales/National Trust). We also heard from the Irish regulatory body on the role of efficiency (Commission for Regulation of Utilities), evidence and opinion from industry on their role in supporting and delivering a low-carbon water sector (Adnams PLC and Dulas), while also hearing from researchers on what they provide in the drive efficiency (Waternomics and Dwr Uisce).

There was also an opportunity for conference participants to give their own 2-minute perspective on an energy efficiency water sector. They were from Water Loss Research & Analysis Ltd., Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, ESIPP Project from TCD, Water Turbines, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, ARUP, University of Cordoba, and Cardiff University. We thank all the participants for their contribution and participation.

Further details concerning the speakers and the presentation materials are found at:


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