Conference Schedule

08:15 - 09:00

09:00 - 09:10

09:10 - 09:15

09:10 - 10:40





10:40 - 11:10

11:10 - 12:55





12:55 - 13:45

13:45 - 14.50







14:50 - 15:00

15:50 - 15:30

Registration, tea and coffee

Welcome / Yr.1 of Dwr Uisce - Aonghus McNabola, Trinity College Dublin

Opening Address - Dafydd Ellis-Thomas AM, National Assembly for Wales

Practice & Governance (Chair: Aonghus McNabola, Trinity College Dublin)

  • Lia Moutselou, Consumer Council for Water
  • Eoghan Clifford, University of Galway (Waternomics)
  • Kemi Adeyeye, University of Bath and Watef Network
  • Aoife Crowe, Commission for Regulation of Utilities

The opening session on practice and governance will include recent CCWater findings (Lia Moutselou) on water consumption and services in Wales, how sustainability of our resources can be achieved through ICT (Eoghan Clifford) and networks (Kemi Adeyeye), with an energy and water regulator perspective (Aoife Crowe) on achieving water efficiency in Ireland.


Sustainability in Action (Chair: Sopan Patil, Bangor University)

  • Conference participants, 2-minute pitches
  • Richard Carter, Adnams PLC
  • Barry Deane, National Federation of Group Water Schemes
  • Alistair Marsden, Dulas Ltd
  • Keith Jones, Community Energy Wales / National Trust

The second session will include a mix of industry (Richard Carter and Alistair Marsden) and organizational (Barry Deane and Keith Jones) perspectives on helping us achieve sustainable solutions to deliver sustainability and promote energy and water savings in and beyond the Ireland-Wales region. There also will be a series of participant pitches to consider the stakeholder views for achieving energy and water efficiency (to take part in this, please contact us).

Lunch and networking

Dwr Uisce Perspectives (Chair: Paul Coughlan, Trinity College Dublin)

  • Andrew Norton, Bangor University
  • Daniele Novara, Trinity College Dublin
  • Jan Spriet, Trinity College Dublin
  • Vanajah Siva, Trinity College Dublin

The third and final session of the day will summarize the work undertaken by the Dwr Uisce project in the first year, and set the tone for the work planned over the following year and the rest of the duration of the project. This will include a discussion of the role of technological solutions for an energy efficient water sector, examining how bench-marking can help us improve our performance, what role the circular economy will have for the water sector, and how our water-energy smart specialization cluster can ensure long term sustainability through a learning network.

Closing Remarks - Aonghus McNabola, Trinity College Dublin

Post-conference Stakeholder meetings & networking