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Enhancing the Resilience of your Welsh Organisation: Achieving Water and Energy Savings

The workshop will support staff in public and private organisations across Wales to identify ways to implement water and energy savings. The event will help you map out your current water and energy usage, and identify ways to improve efficiency to sustain your business in the future by working through a bespoke canvas to find achieviable financial savings. The workshop and exhibition will provide a unique platform for cross-sectoral sharing of ideas and expertise, and learn about technologies and services that will help you achieve water and energy savings.

We are expecting over 100 businesses from across Wales to attend on the day, and a range of technology and service providers will be at hand to support water and energy savings identified in the workshop sessions to help your business better manage your water and energy demands.


If you wish showcase your technology or services at this event, please contact us.

Attending participants will (i) develop a business canvas identifying opportunities for saving, offsetting and recovering water and energy in their business, (ii) provide information on current awareness and achievements in water and energy management across a range of key sectors in Wales. The event will capture the current performance of Welsh businesses in terms of water and energy efficiency opportunities and help deliver this goal through the workshop and exhibit. The Dwr Uisce project are supporting the event through their involvement as a co-organiser and as a platform to share their knowledge and expertise in water and energy efficiency and recovery in the water sector.

This event is supported by the Welsh Government and Higher Education Funding Council for Wales through the Sêr Cymru National Research Network for Low Carbon, Energy and Environment (NRN-LCEE). The workshop is delivered as part of collaborative project entitled 'Navigating Welsh businesses through the water-energy nexus to shrink carbon and resource footprints'.