Our Cluster
Our smart specialisation cluster is a network of organizations from Ireland and Wales with a contribution to delivering a more energy efficient water sector. The cluster is open to all types of organizations, businesses, and public and private sector bodies. We created an action learning network, and we facilitated activities that stimulate innovation in the sector with regular meetings, networking sessions, two annual conferences and three demo site launch events, as well as a series of webinars and trainign workshops. The network has developed new innovative supply relationships between HEIs, industry and society at large in the region. Our objective within Dŵr Uisce is to facilitate contribution to the project activities and uptake of the findings of the project by the water industry, to raise public awareness of the work being carried out by the Dŵr Uisce project in relation to the water-energy challenge. The network grew to include more that 250 organisations. You can download an infographic about the SSC here.
Ein Clwstwr
Mae ein clwstwr arbenigedd clyfar yn rhwydwaith o sefydliadau o Iwerddon a Chymru gyda chyfraniad i ddarparu sector dŵr mwy effeithlon o ran ynni. Mae’r clwstwr ar agor i bob math o sefydliadau, busnesau yn ogystal â chyrff sector cyhoeddus a phreifat. Rydym wedi creu rhwydwaith dysgu gweithredol a byddwn yn cynnwys gweithgareddau sy’n ysgogi arloesedd yn y sector gyda chyfarfodydd rheolaidd, sesiynau rhwydweithio a chynhadledd flynyddol. Bydd y rhwydwaith hwn yn datblygu perthynas gyflenwi arloesol rhwng SAU a diwydiant yn y rhanbarth. Ein hamcan yn Dŵr Uisce yw hwyluso cyfraniad at weithgareddau’r prosiect a bod y diwydiant dŵr yn gallu manteisio ar ganfyddiadau’r prosiect er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd o’r gwaith sy’n cael ei wneud gan Dŵr Uisce mewn perthynas â’r her ynni-dŵr.
Cluster Organisations in Ireland-Wales region
The success of the project is supported by a large number of organisations who support the objectives of sustainability in the water-energy nexus across our region. These organisations contribute to our smart specialisation cluster, sharing knowledge and expertise to maximise the impact of the project. Here, we present the organizations that make up the Dŵr Uisce cluster.
Sefydliadau Clwstwr yn rhanbarth Iwerddon-Cymru
Bydd llwyddiant y prosiect yn dibynnu ar nifer sylweddol o sefydliadau sy’n cefnogi amcanion cynaliadwyedd a’r rhwydwaith ynni-dŵr ar draws ein rhanbarth. Mae’r sefydliadau hyn yn cyfrannu at ein clwstwr arbenigedd clyfar, gan rannu gwybodaeth ac arbenigedd er mwyn sicrhau bod y prosiect yn cael yr effaith fwyaf bosibl. Dyma gyflwyniad i’r sefydliadau sy’n ffurfio clwstwr Dŵr Uisce.
Cluster Organisations outside Ireland-Wales region
In addition to the organisations in the Ireland-Wales region, the Dŵr Uisce project will connect with businesses, researchers and technology experts working in the water-energy nexus outside the region to share best practice and help support the development Ireland an Wales as leaders in energy recovery in the water sector. The success of the project relies on learning from other sectors both within and outside the region, therefore we acknowledge and value the input from external organisations to delivering improved energy efficiency for our water sector.
Sefydliadau Clwstwr y tu allan i ranbarth Iwerddon Cymru
Yn ogystal â’r sefydliadau o fewn rhanbarth Iwerddon-Cymru, bydd prosiect Dŵr Uisce yn cysylltu gyda busnesau, ymchwilwyr ac arbenigwyr technoleg sy’n gweithio yn y rhwydwaith ynni-dŵr y tu allan i’r rhanbarth i rannu’r arferion gorau a chynorthwyo’r datblygiad yn Iwerddon a Chymru fel arweinwyr ym maes adfer ynni yn y sector dŵr. Mae llwyddiant y prosiect yn dibynnu ar ddysgu oddi wrth sectorau eraill o fewn a thu allan i’r rhanbarth, felly rydym yn cydnabod ac yn gwerthfawrogi’r mewnbwn gan sefydliadau allanol er mwyn cyflawni effeithiolrwydd ynni gwell ar gyfer ein sector dŵr.
Visualising the Collaborations within the Cluster
The continued communication between work packages, activities and external stakeholders has been central to the success of Dŵr Uisce. In fact, certain outputs emerged from originally unplanned internal and external collaborations. We developed DUVis, a bespoke, interactive data exploration and visualisation tool built specifically to explore how internal and external collaboration contributed to activity outcomes in the Dŵr Uisce project. DUVis provides an overview of the project structure and facilitates data exploration, allowing the user to ‘dive deeper’ into specific data points, data stories, and time periods. Read more about the tool here. DUVis can be explored here.
This webinar explain the research management approach of a transdisciplinary initiative such as Dŵr Uisce and illustrates the features of the visualisation tool. You can watch it here.