Dŵr Uisce was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Ireland Wales Co-operation programme and ran between September 2016 and June 2023. This website has now been archived and is no longer updated, but remains available for reference.
Dŵr Uisce - Distributing our Water Resources: Utilising Integrated, Smart and low-Carbon Energy. Improving the efficiency of water distribution in Ireland and Wales is at the core of the project ethos. This is achieved by developing new low carbon, energy-saving technologies and services. We build capacity for innovation in the water industry through our cluster of organisations interested in sustainability in the water-energy nexus.
Dŵr Uisce - Dosbarthu ein Adnoddau Dŵr: Defnyddio Ynni Integredig, Clyfar a Charbon Isel. Gwella effeithlonrwydd dosbarthu dŵr yng Nghymru ac Iwerddon yw ethos greiddiol y prosiect. Cyflawnir hyn drwy ddatblygu technolegau a gwasanaethau carbon isel newydd sy’n arbed ynni. Byddwn yn adeiladu capasiti arloesi yn y diwydiant dŵr drwy ein clwstwr o sefydliadau sydd â diddordeb mewn cynaliadwyedd yn y rhwydwaith ynni-dŵr.
Our research
Icons by Dr. Aida Merida