Rethinking the analysis of future high flows in Wales

In the past few months, Richard, a postdoctoral researcher in our Bangor team, has been revisiting some analysis completed during his PhD with Dŵr Uisce. This work aims to improve our understanding of changes in the characteristics of high flow events in Wales under future climate change. It is important to understand such events, as very large streamflows can results in inundation and flooding, bringing economic and social costs, implications, and distress.

The analysis is based on the results of an extensive round of hydrological modelling completed for five catchments in Wales (Clwyd, Conwy, Dyfi, Teifi, Tywi) under a worst-case future climate change scenario (Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 [RCP8.5]). Future climate scenarios were taken from the 2018 UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) data from the UK Met Office’s Hadley Centre, the most recent projections available. These were implemented at a daily timestep into the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model, in order to project future streamflows up to 2080.

Previous work focussed on analysis of change in the number of days per year and season where streamflow is greater than the 95th percentile value of the whole dataset, as well as change in seasonal and annual 1-day maximum flows. While these particular factors do give an indication of the future character of high flow days (frequency and severity respectively), it is not possible to take account of or characterise changes in prolonged high flow events, such as event severity and length. The graph in Figure 1 demonstrates the factors analysed in the original research, using an example dataset.

Figure 1. Example of previous analysis factors.

Figure 1. Example of previous analysis factors.

In order to better characterise high flow events observed in future streamflow projections, as opposed to just high flow days as previously studied, it is first necessary to separate one event from another, so that each event is hydrological independent. To do this, the method of baseflow separation was adopted, whereby the digital filter method is first applied to the streamflow timeseries to separate the baseflow (shown by the red line in Figure 2) from the overall streamflow (shown by the blue line). Following this, individual events with at least one day of flow above the dataset 95th percentile value can be identified, with the length of these being defined as starting when streamflow rises above baseflow levels and ending when the two are equal again (highlighted in Figure 2). This method therefore allows for the identification of multi-peak events, and marks a distinction from the previous analysis by not conflating an increased number of high flow days, with an increased number of high flow events, as the former maybe a product of longer and more severe events, rather than a larger number of events. By identifying individual events, it is therefore possible to gain a better understanding of how high flow events are changing. Changes in the frequency of high flow events, for example, can be calculated by totalling the number of individual events each year and season, and changes in the duration of events can be computed by taking the mean number of days between event start and end. Changes in the severity of events can also be studied, in two ways in fact, first, by calculation of the number of days per event where streamflow peaks above the dataset 95th percentile, and second, as in the previous analysis, 1-day maximum flow. Figure 2 provides a visualisation of the factors analysed, following the new methodology.

Figure 2. Example of the new analysis factors.

Figure 2. Example of the new analysis factors.

Figure 3. Seasonal and annual Mann-Kendall trend analysis results for Welsh study catchments.

Figure 3. Seasonal and annual Mann-Kendall trend analysis results for Welsh study catchments.

As can be seen, the new analysis has the potential to provide a much clearer picture of changes in the severity, frequency, and duration of future high flow events. Indeed, the results of a Mann-Kendall trend analysis of this work (Figure 3) suggest that over the study period (2021-2080) several changes are projected, with varying patterns seen both between seasons and catchments. One of the clearest trends, with most agreement between catchments, is an increase in the severity (maximum flows) and frequency (number of high flow events) of high flow events in the winter and spring seasons. The least change is seen in the mean high flow event duration, with it generally decreasing across all seasons and annually, but only to a relatively small degree, and with the least statistical significance of all of the factors presented. As can be seen in all three factors presented, seasonal change is generally more substantial and significant than annual change, with large seasonal shifts often cancelling each other out in the annual picture. No statistically significant trends were found in the analysis of number of peaks above the 95th percentile per event, these results are therefore not included in Figure 3.

The results of this analysis have important implications for a variety of sectors, indeed anyone who abstracts from river systems or relies on their flow for other means could be impacted, as well as communities or individuals at risk of flooding. In terms of water resource use, hydropower operators in particular could be affected by the results presented, with two of the three catchments displaying declines in annual maximum flows. In addition, the increases seen in spring in terms of maximum flow volumes, and number of events, could also be worrisome for flood planners, as this has important implication for mitigation plans and measures. The impacts of changing high flow and flood events have far reaching consequences, it is for this reason that getting the best characterisation of future changes is important and is why this analysis has been strengthened.

We are grateful to Professor Neil Macdonald of the University of Liverpool for his suggestions for strengthening the analysis conducted. The improved analysis has been included in an article submitted to the Hydrological Sciences Journal and greatly enhances the results of this paper. Look out for news of this publication later this year, both here on our website, as well as on the Dŵr Uisce Twitter feed, @Dwr_Uisce.

Richard shares his research at virtual EGU General Assembly 2021


Richard, a postdoctoral researcher in our Bangor team, has been attending the European Geosciences Union’s (EGU) 2021 General Assembly this week, as well as presenting and discussing his work. Usually held in Vienna, this year’s conference is being conducted online due to the ongoing global pandemic, providing a fantastic opportunity to disseminate Dŵr Uisce research to a wide global audience. Indeed, the event is one of the largest gatherings of geosciences related researchers in Europe, with the EGU having over 20,000 members.

Whilst participating in the conference, Richard has attended many sessions from various EGU divisions such as hydrological sciences, climate (past, present and future), and energy resources and the environment. The work presented here has been highly interesting, and has furthered Richard’s knowledge, research scope, and contacts, all of which will bring great benefit to his Dŵr Uisce research. In addition, new avenues of research have been explored, and ideas generated for future work and new methods.

vEGU First Slide.PNG

Richard also presented his latest research which explores the impact of climate change on water abstraction for the purposes of public water supply and hydroelectric power in Wales. As with all contributions at this year’s assembly, Richard’s took the form of a vPICO (virtual Presentation of Interactive COntent), consisting a two-minute live presentation of a single slide, followed by a breakout room, allowing in-depth discussions of the work. This was a highly valuable experience, allowing for both the engagement of a broad audience and detailed discussions and conversations on the research, methods, and implications. In addition, a 15-minute pre-recorded presentation of the research has been available throughout the conference to EGU members, and will be accessible until the 30th May, allowing for even greater interaction with and comment on the research.

This has been a highly valuable opportunity for Richard and the Dŵr Uisce project, allowing access to some of the leading researchers in the field, enabling comment and opinions on the presented work and future plans. Thanks must go to the organisers of the General Assembly, as well as the funders of the Dŵr Uisce project, the European Regional Development Fund through Interreg Ireland-Wales Cooperation Programme.

Join us on 23 February 2021 at 2pm for a panelist discussion on heat recovery potential of leisure centres

Join us on 23 February 2021 at 2pm for a panelist discussion on

Heat recovery potential of leisure centres: opportunities, challenges, and risks


Climate change poses significant challenges and the global community is not on track to meet sustainable development targets or the Paris Agreement to mitigate climate change. The Covid-19 pandemic and necessary government measures to curb the spread of the virus has put climate action on hold and shut down economies. The need for improved ventilation as an important mitigating factor against the risk of Covid-19 transmission has additional implications for costs and emissions for businesses.   

Leisure centres, as large users of water and energy, are faced with high operational costs and will also be generating significant emissions of greenhouse gases. However, heat recovery technology can yield very significant reductions in water and water-related energy demands and costs without impacting service quality and delivery. These reductions can be a promising response to the current challenges of climate change and post Covid-19 economic recovery.

To discuss energy demands in leisure centres and the important contributions to emissions and cost reductions that can be made through heat recovery, the Dŵr Uisce project ( is hosting an expert panel discussion on heat recovery as one of the several ways these reductions can be made.

The panellists will be discussing a range of questions and some of the current opportunities, challenges, and risks associated with installing heat recovery in leisure centres in order to promote conversation and ideas on how leisure centres can take action that can save costs and improve their environmental footprint in the process.


The objectives of the panel discussion are:

  •   To introduce our research on heat recovery in leisure centres to key stakeholders

  • To discuss possible options to these challenges of climate change and post Covid-19 economic recovery

  • To develop partnerships and a network of people working on reducing the operational costs and greenhouse gas emissions associated with leisure centres

Themes: Climate change, climate action, heat recovery, post Covid-19 recovery, sustainability


Mae'r newid yn yr hinsawdd yn cyflwyno heriau sylweddol ac nid yw’r gymuned fyd-eang ar y trywydd iawn i gyrraedd targedau datblygu cynaliadwy na Chytundeb Paris i liniaru'r newid yn yr hinsawdd. Mae pandemig Covid-19 a mesurau angenrheidiol y llywodraeth i leihau lledaeniad y feirws wedi golygu bod camau i weithredu o blaid yr hinsawdd yn cael eu gohirio a’r economi wedi dioddef yn enbyd. Mae’r angen am well awyru fel ffactor lliniaru pwysig yn erbyn y risg o drosglwyddo Covid-19 yn arwain at oblygiadau ychwanegol o ran costau ac allyriadau ychwanegol i fusnesau.  

Mae canolfannau hamdden, sy’n defnyddio llawer o ddŵr ac ynni, yn gyson yn wynebu costau gweithredu uchel ac maent yn gyfrifol am allyriadau sylweddol o nwyon tŷ gwydr. Fodd bynnag, gall technoleg i adfer gwres arwain at ostyngiadau sylweddol iawn yn y galw am ddŵr ac ynni sy’n gysylltiedig â dŵr, yn ogystal a chostau cysylltiedig heb effeithio ar ansawdd a darpariaeth y gwasanaeth. Gall y gostyngiadau hyn fod yn ymateb addawol i heriau presennol y newid yn yr hinsawdd ac adferiad economaidd ar ôl Covid-19.

I drafod gofynion ynni mewn canolfannau hamdden a’r cyfraniadau pwysig i allyriadau a lleihau costau y gellir eu gwneud drwy adfer gwres, mae prosiect Dŵr Uisce ( yn cynnal trafodaeth banel arbenigol ar adfer gwres fel un o’r ffyrdd niferus y gellir gwneud y gostyngiadau hyn.

Bydd y panelwyr yn trafod amrywiaeth o gwestiynau ac yn rhoi sylw i rai o’r cyfleoedd, yr heriau a’r risgiau presennol sy’n gysylltiedig ag adfer gwres mewn canolfannau hamdden er mwyn hybu sgyrsiau am adnoddau a syniadau ynghylch sut gall canolfannau hamdden arbed costau a gwella eu ôl troed amgylcheddol yn y broses.

Amcanion trafodaeth y panel yw:

  • Cyflwyno ein ymchwil ar adfer gwres mewn canolfannau hamdden i randdeiliaid allweddol

  • I drafod camau posib fel atebion i’r heriau presennol y newid yn yr hinsawdd ac adferiad economaidd ar ôl Covid-19

  • Datblygu partneriaethau a rhwydwaith o randdeiliaid allweddol sy’n gweithio ar leihau allyriadau a chostau gweithredu sy’n gysylltiedig â chanolfannau hamdden

Themâu: Newid yn yr hinsawdd, gweithredu o blaid yr hinsawdd, adfer gwres, adfer ar ôl Covid-19, cynaliadwyedd



Heat recovery potential of leisure centres

Opportunities, challenges, and risks