In June next, three of our team members, Daniele Novara, Jan Spriet and Irene Fernández García, are going to present the current status of our platform technologies out in the 3rd EWaS International Conference. The conference will focus on “insights on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus”, and will be held in Lefkada Island, Greece, from 27th to 30th of June 2018.
Fig. 1. Algorithm results for a PAT analysed: (a) yearly energy yield; (b) simple Payback time.
The work developed by Daniele Novara, titled ‘The development of a decision support software for the design of Micro-Hydropower schemes utilizing a Pump as Turbine’ offers hydro designers an innovative software to assist them when they need to choose between different layouts of the analyzed pump as turbine (PAT)- based hydro scheme.
Fig. 2. Example of drain water heat recovery.
Decentralized drain water heat recovery: interaction between wastewater and heating flows on a single residence scale’ is the title of the work carried out by Jan Spriet. In his work, he addresses the problem of the energy used to heat domestic hot water and is still embedded in the drain water when it is leaving a residence, highlighting the potential for energy recovery on a single residence scale, and showing its interaction with the space and domestic hot water heating system.
Fig. 3. Water savings and cost savings in each rural water supply networks.
The work developed by Irene Fernández, titled ‘Potential micro-hydropower generation in community-owned rural water supply networks in Ireland’ evaluates the hydropower potential in seven community-owned rural water supply networks by replacing the PRVs existing in the networks by PATs and by installing PATs at new detected potential sites. In addition, she evaluates the water saving associated to the reduction of leakage volume after installing PATs at new potential sites.