Dwr Uisce Video & thank to our IVY Volunteers Michele and Aida

We'd like to thank our two IVY (Interreg Volunteer Youth) volunteers, Michelle Tapparello and Aida Mérida Garcia, who spent the past few months working with us in Dublin. You can read about their experiences below, or watch their video to learn more about Dwr Uisce. Thank you Michelle and Aida for their contribution to the project, and we wish them best of luck in their future careers! The results of their work can be seen here.



Michele worked with the Dwr Uisce Dublin team for the past four months. His background is in electrical engineering (graduate of Politecnico di Torino and Seville) and is specialized in software control of PAT (Pump As Turbine). During his work with us, he interacted and helped some of our rural Group Water Schemes (GWS) communities to explore energy efficiency options including the installation of PATs. This technology will be installed at a number of our field demonstration sites and is a way to bring research from the lab to the field, where people can benefit from it.


Aida is from from Cordoba, Spain and volunteered with the Dwr Uisce Dublin team for three months. She is an agricultural engineer and is currently working on her PhD in the University of Cordoba.  As an IVY Volunteer, she visited rural Group Water Schemes communities to help us understand their water distribution networks and pumping stations. Her objective was to estimate the energy required from solar PV to offset the energy requirements of the networks in those communities.  Aida also presented her work at our Annual Dwr Uisce conference last October in Wales (her presentation is available from the member only area of the website).


Aida presenting at our Annual Conference in Wales last year (left) and at her lab in Spain (right).