The 4th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum 2017 is to be held in Milan, Italy on the 27 and 28th of February, where a paper titled "Building collaboration within a smart specialization cluster through action learning" has been accepted as a working paper to be presented during the conference. To read the abstract and full paper, click here.
For information regarding the EurOMA Forum 2017, click here.
The EurOMA Forum 2017 will be held at Politechnico di Milano, in Italy.
The 24th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) will be held from Sunday, June 11th to Tuesday, June 13th, 2017, at Reykjavik University in Reykjavik, Iceland, where a paper titled "Developing integrated low-carbon and smart energy innovations in water and energy: creating a smart specialization cluster" has been accepted to be presented during the conference. To read the abstract, click here.
For information regarding the IPDM Conference, click here.
The IPDMC 2017 will be held at Reykjavik University, in Iceland.