Field demonstration of new MHP energy recovery in Ireland and Wales

Feasibility of MHP potential in real networks

The Dŵr Uisce Project aims to aid in reducing the energy consumption and CO2 emission of the water industry, and to decrease the associated costs of water supply and treatment. Several technology platforms are being developed as part of the project, part-funded by the Interreg Ireland Wales Co-operation programme 2014-2020.
Hydropower energy recovery in water supply networks is one of these technology platforms, and in this context a key element of the project is the demonstration of the micro-hydropower (MHP) potential in real networks. For this purpose, the feasibility of MHP implementation in group water supply schemes has been assessed.

Arddangos adfer ynni MHP newydd yn Iwerddon a Chymru

Dichonoldeb potensial MHP mewn rhwydweithiau go iawn

Nod Prosiect Dŵr Uisce yw helpu i leihau’r defnydd o ynni ac allyriadau CO2 y diwydiant dŵr, ac i leihau’r costau cysylltiedig o gyflenwi a thrin dŵr. Fel rhan o’r prosiect, mae sawl llwyfan technolegol yn cael eu datblygu, wedi eu hariannu’n rhannol gan raglen Gydweithredu Interreg Iwerddon Cymru 2014-2020.

Un o’r llwyfannau technoleg yw adferiad ynni pŵer dŵr mewn rhwydweithiau cyflenwad dŵr ac yn y cyd destun hwn, un o elfennau allweddol y prosiect yw arddangos potensial pŵer dŵr-micro (MHP) mewn rhwydweithiau go iawn. I’r pwrpas hwn, aseswyd dichonoldeb gweithredu MHP mewn cynlluniau cyflenwi dŵr grŵp.


As a first step, the potential of MHP is analysed at specific locations of the network, such as pressure reducing valves (PRV), break pressure tanks (BPT) or some other locations with clear potential, whereby the feasibility of specific low-cost MHP technology, pumps as turbines (PAT’s), is assessed.

Y cam cyntaf yw dadansoddi potensial MHP mewn lleoliadau penodol yn y rhwydwaith, megis falfiau lleihau pwysau (PRV), tanciau torri pwysedd (BPT) neu mewn lleoliadau eraill sydd â photensial amlwg, lle bo dichonoldeb technoleg penodol cost isel MHP gyda phympiau fel tyrbinau (PATs) yn cael ei asesu.


Transient analysis in pipe networks

Once the demo-sites are selected, the pipe network has to be prepared for allocating the new hydropower facility. The new scheme must be able to support the transient pressures produced by phenomena such as turbine runaway, trip-off, emergency valve or sudden bursts.

To cope with this, a transient model, which reads EPANET networks and solve the classic waterhammer equations, has been implemented. The clip displayed here shows a waterhammer event simulated in one of the group water schemes assessed.

Dadansoddiad dros dro mewn rhwydweithiau pibellau

Pan fydd y safleoedd arddangos wedi cael eu dewis, rhaid paratoi’r rhwydwaith pibellau er mwyn lleoli’r cyfleuster ynni-dŵr newydd. Rhaid i’r cynllun newydd allu cynnal y pwysedd dros dro â gynhyrchir gan ffenomena megis dŵr ffo o’r tyrbin, falf argyfwng neu fyrstiau sydyn.

I ymdopi â hyn, rhoddwyd model dros-dro ar waith sy’n darllen rhwydweithiau EPANET ac sy’n datrys hafaliadau morthwyl dŵr. Mae’r clip a arddangosir yma yn dangos digwyddiad morthwyl dŵr mewn un o’r cynlluniau grwpiau dŵr a aseswyd.