Dŵr Uisce Water Energy Innovation Conference
Tuesday 23rd October 2018, Trinity College Dublin
08.30 – 09.30 Registration, Coffee & networking
Innovation Opportunities (Chair: Prysor Williams)
09.30 – 09.40 Aonghus McNabola, “Dŵr Uisce -Distributing our Water Resources: Utilising Integrated, Smart and low-Carbon Energy”. Trinity College Dublin.
09.40 – 10.10 Paul O’Callaghan, “Analysing successes, failures and opportunities in the water and energy nexus”. BlueTech Research (Private Sector).
10.10 – 10.30 Mike Pedley, “Back to the future - via the present: progress and challenges for energy in the UK Water Industry”. Welsh Water. (Private Sector).
10.30 – 10.40 Innovation Opportunities– Q&A
10.40 – 11.30 2-min Water, Energy and Innovation: Intersectoral pitches.
11.30 – 12.00 Coffee & networking
Innovation in Practice (Chair: Aonghus McNabola)
12.00 – 12.15 Triona Collins, “Engaging with the rural water community: I must do Something”. Water Services, Tipperary County Council. (Communities Sector).
12.15– 12.30 John Durkan, “Doing more with less”. ABP Food Group. (Food Sector).
12.30 – 12.45 Benny McDonagh, “Rethinking Energy”. EPS Group. (Energy and Water Treatment Supply Sectors).
12:45 – 13:00 John Gallagher & Paul Coughlan, “Innovation, Eco-design & Learning to deliver Sustainability for the National Trust”. Trinity College Dublin. (Conservation Charity Sector).
13:00 –13:15 Innovation in Practice – Q&A
13:15 – 14.10 Lunch & networking
Demonstrating Learning (Chair: Paul Coughlan)
14.10 – 14.30 Dŵr Uisce Hydropower Demonstration sites.
“Blackstairs Group Water Scheme, Ireland & Tŷ Mawr Wybrnant, National Trust, Wales”. Daniele Novara, Trinity College Dublin.
14.30 – 14:50 Dŵr Uisce Heat Recovery Demonstration sites.
“Penrhyn Castle, National Trust, Wales”. Isabel Schestak & Jan Spriet, Bangor University & Trinity College Dublin.
14.50 –15:10 Demonstrating Cluster Growth.
“Demonstrating learning in action in a water and energy smart specialisation cluster”. Ana de Almeida Kumlien, Trinity College Dublin.
15.10 – 15:20 Demonstrating Learning – Q&A
15.20 – 15.30 Aonghus McNabola, Dŵr Uisce project, Trinity College Dublin. Closing remarks & call for action.
Dŵr Uisce -Distributing our Water Resources: Utilising Integrated, Smart and low-Carbon Energy
Aonghus McNabola
The Dwr Uisce principal investigator from Trinity College Dublin gave the welcome address.
How a Network can Promote Best Practice in Water Efficiency
Triona Collins
Represented Tipperary County Council and presented all the initiatives taken to engage with the rural water community in Tipperary
Innovation, Eco-design & Learning to deliver Sustainability for the National Trust
John Gallagher & Paul Coughlan
From Trinity College discussed the steps taken to deliver sustainability for the National Trust
Penrhyn Castle, National Trust, Wales
Isabel Schestak & Jan Spriet
From Bangor University and Trinity College presented the DWHR from commercial kitchens at the demo site in Wales
Analysing successes, failures and opportunities in the water and energy nexus
Paul O’ Callaghan
From Blue Tech Research presented an analysis of the successes, failures and opportunities in the water-energy nexus from a private sector perspecitve
Doing more with less
John Durkan
From ABP Food presented the company efforts to reduce their water, energy and carbon footprints
Blackstairs Group Water Scheme, Ireland & Tŷ Mawr Wybrnant, National Trust, Wales
Daniele Novara
From Trinity College presented the two demonstration sites for micro-hydropower applications
Ana de Almeida Kumlien
From Trinity College Dublin presented progress on the development and sustainability of the cluster
Back to the future - via the present: progress and challenges for energy in the UK Water Industry
Mike Pedley
From Welsh Water discussed the current and future progress and challenges for the energy in the UK Water sector.
Rethinking Energy
Benny McDonagh
From EPS Water discussed their paths to becoming the most sustainable company in their sector